Thank you for your interest in being a valued volunteer for an amazing project, “World’s Largest Ghost Hunt”.

Talents in our industry are broad and we wish to create a relationship with you that fulfills both our mutual needs. We are not looking for experts, but we are looking for enthusiastic people that wish to bring their talents and interests to the next level within the fields of paranormal investigation and historic preservation.

In order to organize holistically, we have created eight important categories that will serve as our event's infrastructure. Please select one that stands out and appeals to you the most to you. You may choose a second, in the event that we need to extend your capabilities in an area that does not have much support.

What we ask for you: 
Initially, we will be meeting via conference calls once every two weeks. As we get closer to the event, meetings will be more frequent. Duties to be allocated will be coordinated so to fit into your lifestyle and time commitment.  We ask for professional accountability and responsiveness to the goals of the committee. If in the event you are not able to keep its duties, we ask you to help us find a replacement so that the momentum is not lost

What you will receive from us:
We commit to full recognition of your work and relationship with our purpose. You will be listed and acknowledged on our website and any public announcements related to the work you have participated in. Most importantly, you will be part of a culture that is dedicated to the preservation of good practices and development of the paranormal investigation field, para-unity, and historical preservation.

Our eight committees include:

Promotions Committee

1st FOCUS: This committee will be working in spreading the word and announcements specific to the World’s Largest Ghost Hunt and all its other spin-offs (including and not limited to the Replay, the Reveal, etc.). This committee will work closely with the Social Media

2nd FOCUS: This committee will be working for publicity strictly within the Social Media platform. This will include announcements and notifications of all the different events associated with the entire event (local and headquarters).  This committee will work closely with the Publicity Committee and with the Territory Management Committee.

SKILLS: Ability and some experience in scheduling radio shows, media appearances, press releases, article contributions, etc. Ability and experience with social media management (across all platforms).

IT / Live-Stream Committee

1st FOCUS: This committee will work helping to facilitate interconnectivity and streaming from their videography to assure locations/teams will successfully connect with the video host portal.

2nd FOCUS:  This committee will work on how to integrate live-streaming with hosting platforms. The committee and its members will be resources to teams on how best to optimize and successfully capture their investigations through videography (for both promotions and all WLGH (and related) events).

SKILLS: Understanding fundamentals of IT (connectivity, bandwidth management, interfaces, connecting cameras on line, etc.); Understanding fundamentals of videography and interface agents, equipment, and optimization equipment/tools.

Participants Committee

FOCUS: This committee will help share the opportunities to new locations and teams, in order to initiate interest in participation.  will divide all the satellite locations by territory and be an agent of advocacy and support for its investigation team and location managers.

SKILLS:  Ability to communicate and organize their locations, and be available for needs or requests they have.

Metaphysical Committee

FOCUS: This committee will put together the metaphysical requirements, scope, and delivery for successful WLGH execution, within the purpose/goals of the event.

SKILLS: Understanding and familiarity with metaphysical gifts, talents, and processes.

Sponsorship Committee

FOCUS: This committee will put together a sponsorship plan and structure to help bring in third parties to fiscally support the financial demands and expenses this event has. This will allow the event to be offered at no cost to its participants. 

SKILLS: Understanding and familiarity with sponsorship process, planning, executions, and lead. 

Advisory Committee

FOCUS: This committee will put together the codes of conduct standards, paranormal investigation requirements, scope, and delivery for successful WLGH execution, within the purpose/goals of the event. They will advise on the format and delivery of the event. 

SKILLS:  Understanding the purpose and goals of the event; Understanding and familiarity with paranormal investigation skills, talents, equipment, and processes.

If you wish to be a part of this, we are excited to consider you! 

Please APPLY for your Volunteer Interest Here

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